Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Camp: The calm and The chaos

To follow is a series images that were taken over 2 weeks while volunteering on a summer camp for 48 Roma kids organized by the LORA foundation in Bulgaria.
The only people I knew at the start of the camp was Jack, Eslabe and Lora.( the founders)
to break the ice an the 1 hour bus trip from Sofia I got up from the back walked to the front and took this photo.

The flags of the nationalities of the volunteers (multiple countries and continents but serving one GOD)

one of the 5 scorpions found in the building (this was before the children arrived)
the other 4 were found after the children had left

Morning program (middle age group) 

Morning program

getting ready to do the camp dance (video was taken but due to slow computer encoding takes to long)

program organized with in the 5 days the team was together before the children arrived

the Bonfire at the end of the camp bringing the camp to a close

one of the kids (Martin) holding his sister proudly in front for his house 

Fountain in the main square, (Martin drinking)

Team walking in Kjustendil after visiting the children in there neighborhood.

in order (left to right) Elsabe, Jack, Lora

Sunrise at 6:45 on the last day after a 30 min hike 

the crazies that got up at 5:30 for the sunrise

Was an amazing camp and i pray that God will make it possible for me to return next year!
Will miss all from the camp and remember the great friends i have made.

Hope to see you all again if it is only next year or the year after. I look forward to it!

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