Friday, July 18, 2014


The two days in Plovdiv

We arrived at Hikers Hostel at 5am where they have 24h reception that helped after the long journey in.
the first day was mostly spent resting and getting back into the cultural flow of Bulgaria.

Hikers Hostel
View from the room

Through the gate


Gate and street

Common area

Some things seein in Plovdiv

Mian walking road

Houses over the cobble roads

Saedinenie Statue

Just a wall in Plovdiv.
Aliosha Monument walk
On the way up the hill

The View
Aliosha Monument

Early lunch at the foot of  the hill  of the Aliosha Monument

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Fun and games.

So after 14 hours of flying, 9 hours of bus including 2 hours at the border, we are in Plovdiv Bulgaria. It is 4am and Nathan and I are siting in the park using wifi from an ice cream shop nearby while we wait for the hostel to open. Nathan is testing the 15mb/s Internet by playing a game of dota2. Why.....cause he can :P
Main walking road in Plovdiv (Free Wi-Fi at Afreddo)
Nathan playing DOTA2

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Here we go again

Ok so I am not the constant blogging type of person. I am however going to continue this one but from the start if another trip.
Where: Bulgaria again
When: 15 July - 4th September
Who with: Nathan Venn and my self
Why: volenteering at the Lora Foundation kids camp again and then showing Nathan the amazing country that is Bulgaria (testing the waters for taking a group through)